10,000 per month, witd adsFree
20,000, no expiry, no ads$29
100,000, no expiry, no ads$79
500,000, no expiry, no ads$249
2,000,000, no expiry, no ads$599
10,000,000, no expiry, no ads$1,999
50,000,000, no expiry, no ads$8,999

Free v Paid zooms

Storage space5GB100GB
Zooms created witdin60 sec15 sec
No adverts
No expiry date
Secure zooms over SSL
Watermark protection
Custom logo
Full-screen view
Custom buttons
Custom levels
Custom preview
Print button
Save on right click
Control panel stats
  • New accounts get 100,000 ad-free zooms for 30 days*.
  • You will receive email alerts when your paid zooms are running low.
  • If your paid zooms have all been used, your account switches to the free 10,000 zooms with ads.

What is a zoom?

One zoom is counted when a zoomable image loads on a page. If a page has 3 zoomable images, 3 zooms will be counted. If a page has 1 zoomable image and 3 alternative images, only 1 zoom is counted when the page loads. If the user then interacts with one of the alternative images, another zoom is counted.

It does not matter how much or how long the user zooms into a specific image for, only one zoom will be counted. If the user goes to another page, then comes back to zoom again, another zoom will be counted.

What do ads look like?

Click to enlarge:

Magic Touch with advert in corner

Zoom creation time

The first time a new image is viewed, the one-off zoom creation process is triggered. Magic Touch™ fetches the image from your server, slices it into hundreds of small images (tiles) and serves the required images to the user.

That process takes 12 seconds on average for paid accounts and up to 60 seconds for free account because paid accounts are given priority in the processing queue.

Once created, all future views of that image will load within 1 second of the rest of the page (on average).

The exact time it takes to create the very first zoom depends upon the:

  • dimensions of the image;
  • file size of the image;
  • number of zoom levels being created;
  • speed your server permits Magic Touch™ to fetch the image.